Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bah! It takes all kinds!

Yesterday, Leela’s gear arrived at my neighborhood REI and I took my 16 wheeler to pick it up. 23 new sparkly items were all there waiting to be stolen by me and replaced with my used ones.

Conversation with REI lady at checkout counter-

Lady: Wow, that’s a lot of stuff. Where are you guys off to?

Me: We are off to climb Kilimanjaro. (pause for the gasp…finding none, continue..)Oh all this is for a friend in Dubai. Dubai sucks when it comes to outdoor gear.

Lady: Wow!

Me (waiting to hear the usual adulations about out attempt to climb Kilimanjaro): Yes Yes. I’m so excited.

Lady (almost chocking): Wow! Dubai must be so fantastic! I would love to go to Dubai some day. It should be so beautiful.


Anonymous said...

i feel it is high time to request REI to be your corporate sponsor..

Unknown said...

Forget reactions already! Look out for yourself and come back in one piece...good luck you all! Yay!

Anonymous said...

And dont forget to bring back tons of stories to tell ! Good luck ..

Anonymous said...

good luck with the kenya situation- i dont think you need luck for the climb- you have prepared enough. lots of pix and have a great time

Anonymous said...

good luck!!!
may all the colourful fevers of the continent sidestep your merry party!

sunshine said...

we'll be ready with lots of reactions when you return [:)].. good luck and take care!!

Sheeba said...

Or maybe since she works at REI, she's used to people of the outdoors? Just maybe ...

Good luck and as opposed to others' comments- dont take too many pictures, watch yr step and not yr view-finder!

Anonymous said...

loads of luck and good wishes for you:)

kps said...

Ah, a li'll late, but good luck with everything! Eagerly looking forward to the stories... :)

Anonymous said...

best of luck... god bless ya.

- heretic

ian said...

Nice job!, You certainly are giving your visitors a lot of precious info. This blog will be a hit!