Thursday, February 21, 2008

Just did it!

For all of you waiting with bated breath... WE MADE IT!

All four of us reached the 'roof of Africa' on Saturday, 17 Feb at 8.45 a.m.

We're all in different stages of recovery right now... Updates when we reach home.

P.S. thanks for all your wishes, prayers, helpful tips and crossed fingers...


Anonymous said...

Best news of the day - congratulations!!

(And thanks for updating - I was beginning to wonder whether you people had found the view so good that you decided to stay back at the summit)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations ! Get back soon to share your stories.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of you'll ever since Alpha disappeared. Congratulations and God Bless


Anonymous said...

well. didn't have any doubt that you wouldn't, mubarak ho - love the rat

Anonymous said...

Nike! Nike! Safe trip home :)

Yogustus said...

Awesome!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!

Anonymous said...

yay! look forward to the posts and pictures (hope you guys took some or was it too difficult to climb and take pictures t the same time??)

kps said...

awseme! congratulations!

Anonymous said...


Updates awaited :)


:-) said...

congratulations :-)

Unknown said...


anantha said...


sunshine said...

simblee amazing!! *pat on back*

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...


Very very very very awe-inspiring

Aqua said...

woo hooo!!! congratulations!!!!
Waiting for the updates!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it to the peak. Looks like all the REI shopping paid off!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it to the peak. Looks like all the REI shopping paid off!

CF Rich said...

How bizarre I was just reading blogs on Kili and came across yours. I was on the mountain at the same time as you - boy were we lucky with the weather (for the main part)